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Chronic Pain Treatment: Your Questions Answered

Chronic Pain Treatment: Your Questions Answered

What kind of chronic pain do you experience? Whether it is chronic pain due to a traumatic injury, surgery, or a condition such as fibromyalgia, getting through each day can feel like a struggle. What’s worse is that the go-to treatment for chronic pain with most doctors is dangerous prescription drugs. Forming an addiction to these can make your life even more debilitating, and imagining a life without them can be extremely difficult. Keep reading to learn more about common questions regarding chronic pain treatment and how you can manage your chronic pain without dangerous opioids.

Chronic Pain Treatment: How to Manage Chronic Pain Without Opioids

Prescription opioids are a drug that bind to pain receptors, cutting off communication between the receptors and the brain. This tricks the brain into thinking there is no pain, allowing much-needed relief for the user when experiencing chronic pain. This is an especially helpful tool after a major injury, surgery recovery, or other pain conditions.

However, even when prescription opioids are used as prescribed, anybody who takes them will run the risk of becoming addicted to them. They should only be used under medical supervision while never taking more than the recommended dose. In addition, opiates can actually make chronic pain worse and are not meant for long-term use. When taken for 4 or more weeks, your chronic pain condition can actually worsen.

Why do opiates make chronic pain worse? Opiates can make you more sensitive to pain the longer you take them because your body isn’t used to feeling sensations of pain anymore. For instance, they can make migraines worse and more frequent as well as make the pain in your lower back last longer. You will also develop behavioral and emotional triggers to take the pain medication. The pain might seem worse, however, it is not.

Can You Live With Chronic Pain?

It can be hard for many people to imagine a way to treat their chronic pain without opioids. Luckily, there are ways you can live with chronic pain without the use of harmful, dangerous, and addictive prescription drugs. It all starts with your Assessment Team, which includes:

  • Physicians
  • Chronic Pain Experts
  • Physical Therapists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Trauma Therapists
  • Dieticians
  • Psychologists
  • Addiction Therapists
  • Spiritual Therapists

At our chronic pain treatment center in Malibu, we perform a Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation in order to devise an individualized treatment plan for your needs. This evaluation includes:

  • Comprehensive Medical Evaluation
  • Psychiatric Evaluation
  • Specialty Physicians Consult
  • Psychological Diagnostic Testing
  • Neuropsychological Testing and
  • Brain Mapping
  • Psychosocial and Trauma Assessment
  • Substance Use Disorder Assessment
  • One-on-one Analysis w/ your Physician
  • Spiritual Assessment and Counsel
  • Chronic Pain Evaluation
  • Lifestyle Assessment
  • Fitness and Nutritional Evaluation
  • Nutritional Assessment & Guidance
  • Pharmacogenomics Testing
  • Medication Evaluation
  • Process Addiction Assessment
  • Executive Blood Panel
  • Comprehensive Report and Action Plan

To address the minimization and/or elimination of the sources(s) of physical pain, we utilize:

  • Physical Therapy
  • Chiropractic Care
  • Medication Management
  • Psychological Counseling
  • Alternative Therapies (Massage / Acupuncture)
  • Medical Specialist Referrals

Why Is Chronic Pain Hard To Treat?

Chronic pain management is so hard because it is completely individualized. There is no way to measure pain other than the patient’s own measurement. Pain is subjective and relative, which can make it more difficult to treat. This makes the mind/body connection extremely important when it comes to pain management, as feeling pain can be a major trigger for people to take harmful medications. Learning how to manage the pain triggers emotionally and behaviorally are a key factor in recovery.

How To Handle Chronic Severe Pain And Work Effectively?

As an executive-level individual, it can be almost impossible to work effectively with chronic pain. Stress and anxiety can be triggers for chronic pain, and some of this is unavoidable due to your career. However, chronic severe pain can be managed so that you can continue to work effectively.

This is achieved through your multidisciplinary team using the Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation to recommend an individualized treatment plan. This plan incorporates effective medical, psychiatric, and therapeutic strategies that are appropriate for you. This comprehensive approach to evaluation ensures that your future health and wellness needs are matched with the appropriate treatment modalities and level of care.

About The Pointe Malibu Recovery Center

Are you wondering how to come to terms with chronic pain, especially without the use of opioids? Or wondering which is worse, physical pain or emotional pain? The Pointe Malibu Recovery Center can help you develop an understanding of your chronic pain and learn coping skills to better manage your pain and, more importantly, improve your life.

Our Clinical Director oversees the development of your individualized treatment plan and ongoing care, and only carries a caseload when required for particularly complex cases. This enables the Clinical Director to work with your treatment team on your therapeutic services, medical services, and clinical services.

You don’t have to let your chronic pain and opioid use control your life anymore. Yes — there are ways to manage your chronic pain without the use of dangerous prescription drugs while also improving your quality of life. Chronic pain is a major underlying cause for addiction and can lead to fatal consequences if left untreated.

If you’re ready to start your journey to long-lasting recovery, we are here for you.