As marijuana becomes legal in more and more places and increases in normality, so will the chances of your children becoming exposed to the drug. Even though marijuana is legal, it still poses some pretty dangerous risks, just like alcohol does. As such, it is important to understand the language our children are speaking and to become familiar with them. If you have heard your child mention “dabbing”, keep reading to find out more about it and how you can keep your children safe.
What is Dabbing?: More Than Marijuana
While dabbing does involve the marijuana plant, it is much more than that. Dabbing is a slang term for the THC concentrate extracted from the plant. THC is the part of marijuana that gets the user high, so removing it from the plant allows the user to consume it in different ways, most popularly, through a vape pen. It is gold in color, is very sticky and gummy, and closely resembles honey.
Dabbing is also referred to as:
- Honeycomb
- Budder
- Butane hash oil
- Wax
- Shatter
- Amber
- Honey oil
- Crumble
The Dangers of Marijuana and Dabbing
Since dabbing is a much more potent means of using marijuana, it is important to know about marijuana and it’s dangers. Even though marijuana is legal in many places and has a reputation as a gentle, helpful plant, it is also risky and dangerous. According to the CDC, marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States, with 37.6 million users in the past year, and marijuana use may have a wide range of health effects on the body and brain.
Risks of marijuana use include:
- Addiction. About 1 in 10 marijuana users will become addicted. For people who begin using before the age of 18, that number rises to 1 in 6. Marijuana is also often seen as the “gateway drug” to other drugs once a high from marijuana is experienced.
- Brain health. Marijuana use directly affects the brain — specifically the parts of the brain responsible for memory, learning, attention, decision making, coordination, emotions, and reaction time.
- Mental health. Marijuana use can cause anxiety issues, disorientation, and paranoia.
The Difference Between Dabbing and Regular Marijuana
Many people think that because dabbing involves marijuana, it is safe. Young people believe this to be true so they are more willing to try it over other drugs. However, this is not the case. It is important to know the difference between dabbing and regular marijuana.
- Purpose. The purpose of using marijuana legally and dabbing is, commonly, completely different. People who use marijuana do so to sleep, help with pains, relax, and other medical reasons. Individuals who dab often do so only for the high and for recreational purposes.
- Potency. Dabbing is popular because it is much more potent than smoking regular marijuana. Since it is pure THC, the effects are felt much quicker and much stronger than smoking a regular marijuana plant.
- Habit-forming. According to the National Library of Medicine, dabbing is more likely to cause tolerance and withdrawal symptoms than traditional marijuana smoking.
What Parents Can Do
Most individuals are exposed to drugs at some point in their life, especially during the adolescent years. This is dangerous, as the brain is still forming and inhibitions are much lower. However, if you are worried about your child becoming exposed to dabbing, there are many things you can do to help your child and help them go in the right direction.
- Education. As mentioned, marijuana has longer-lasting effects the younger an individual is exposed to it. As such, it is important to teach kids the dangers of marijuana well before the ages they would be exposed to it so that they are ready when it happens.
- Treating underlying causes. If your child experiences depression, anxiety, or trauma, these are all underlying symptoms of addiction. By treating these early, the chances of addiction can drop significantly.
- Keeping an open conversation. By speaking with your child about addiction, peer pressure, and their social circle, they will be more apt to come to you with any issues or be open with you should they become addicted.
About The Pointe Malibu Recovery Center
We provide recovery solutions for drug and alcohol addiction, process addictions, mental health issues including depression and anxiety, co-occurring disorders, and chronic pain addictions. Our rehab treatment programs are proven effective, evidence-based solutions. We provide world-class medical and clinical treatment with a large on-site staff of professionals. Our facilities provide luxurious accommodations – which our affluent clients are accustomed to and expect.
Each The Pointe Malibu client undergoes a compassionate and thorough diagnostic assessment. The assessment provides an individual set of recovery goals. Our experienced medical, clinical, and addiction professionals tailor corresponding programs and highly customized treatment plans.
To help you find your way through to the life you want, The Pointe Malibu Recovery Center offers a complete series of support programs. With care and compassion, our treatment experts will guide you through every phase of the recovery process. We staff doctors, psychiatric and addiction specialists, therapists, and support staff. Together, we provide a complete continuum of care from your arrival to your growth into a better life.